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Hey, I’m Spencer and I create custom web and mobile apps for individuals and businesses.I love nature, people and technology. When i’m not learning or creating something I am probably cycling, jamming out or hanging out with my loved ones.


Web Apps

Custom web apps

Custom web applications built from the ground up with your goal in mind. Using the best modern technologies.



I increase your web precsence to make your website rank higher in the search results.


PSD to HTML conversion

I convert designs to pixel perfect websites in no time.

Bug fixing

Bug fixing

I am great at fixing bugs that cause issues with user interfaces.


21 Diamonds

A modern spin to the classic game of Nim

legalease project

21 Diamonds

21 Diamonds is a game of strategy where instead of wanting to be the last one to pull an object from the heap like regular Nim, in this version you don't want to be the last person to put an object in the heap. The limit is 21 but if you reach 17 then you lose because the computer will then add three forcing you to add the last object.

Next Steps

Build out the functinallity to change the AI difficulty and also allow the timer value to be changed.

Tech Stack

React Sketch Nodejs MongoDb SASS TDD

Chuck Norris Joke Generator

Amuse yourself with the knowledge of the Chuck

legalease project

Chuck Norris FACT generator

The Chuck Norris FACT generator pulls facts and conditions them using modern sophistry to the user's parameters for their own personal amusement and knowledge.

Next Steps

Add our own facts to the local version of the ICNDB for user consumption.

Tech Stack

HTML CSS Javascript Jquery

The DOM Quiz

Brush up on the eccentrices of Web Dev

JS Quiz

The DOM Quiz

The DOM quiz was built to help my classmates and I better understand the eccentrices of Javascript and be better prepared for unexpected exceptions.

Next Steps

Add additional questions and better options.

Tech Stack

HTML CSS Javascript


Have a project idea or something you need help with? Contact me.